Listen to Your Dreams

In southern Ontario, the glow of autumn is upon us. This is one of my favourite times of year!

I wish you and I could stand together under one of the magnificent maple trees. We could add our “ahhhh” to its orange flash of glory.

If we looked down we’d notice another more subtle beauty, the milkweed pod. Its silkiness is so inviting. A gentle touch is all it takes for the seeds to take flight.

It’s surprising to see a plant in such a state of readiness just as the rest of the natural world is turning toward dormancy.

It embodies pure potential!

Nature always offers important lessons and I wonder what’s the teaching here?

The word “trust” and “willingness” come to mind.

We are all here on earth to actualize our potential. Our dreams are meant to burst forth.

And yet as humans we have the strange ability to keep them under wraps, sometimes for a lifetime. The pain of denying our dreams is so destructive. And yet over time there is an unnatural comfort in the familiarity of that stifling stance.

What if you knew as the milkweed knows that growing your dreams is what you are here for? What if you knew that it is a simple and beautiful process?

The way is really so simple. If you listen to the dreams inside you, are willing to take simple steps to create conditions to support them and you trust the natural laws of the universe to meet you in collaboration, your dreams will take flight.

It is such an honour to watch this process happen right before my eyes with my clients. After we clear some of the clutter away and get very quiet the dreams begin to reveal themselves. Then we work together to find very simple steps creating the conditions of support. The real delight is in the synchronicities as the universe collaborates.

What dream of yours is waiting to burst forth?

Take simple steps.
Accept support.

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