Love at First Sight

7 years ago this weekend, I met my beloved for the first time. Meeting him was no accident.

I had been tending my relationship altar faithfully for several months to align with what I called “Big Love”. I had a strong desire to share my life with someone who was willing to meet me in the middle, someone who was capable of stepping toward me even when times were challenging.

I believed with all my heart that my desire would be fulfilled.

I wasn’t attached to any particular timing. I knew that part was out of my hands. I trusted that something greater than me would be taking care of the details.

And yet, I had to do my part to live life to the fullest, to take advantage of any opportunity to expand beyond my little self. For that reason, I decided to attend a conference that was being offered on the west coast.

Traveling alone was outside my comfort zone. I had never flown to an unknown place with unscheduled time, but when my intuition nudged me to book my ticket for an extra day, I followed through. Doing so was an act of opening to the unexpected.

I rationalized my decision to stay an extra day by thinking I might meet some people at the conference and we would want to go out together on the last night. That sounded like fun.

But that didn’t happen. On the last day of the conference everyone I’d connected with left. I thought the universe was playing a trick on me. My intuition had told me to stay an extra day and now I felt stranded and alone.

In desperation, I took matters in my own hands, and walked over to the table where the sign up was CLOSED for a tour of inner city Vancouver. I needed something to do and I was determined that they would OPEN a space for me.

As soon as I lined up, a good looking man I had noticed on the first day of the conference did too. I struck up a conversation with him and it turned out he was not on the list either but also determined to go.

In that moment I knew that he was the reason I’d stayed and extra day.

When the Universe provides it’s important to take action. I made certain that we sat next to each other on the bus and that we were in the same group on the tour. I thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon together. Afterwards I waited for him to make a move in my direction.

When he asked me if I wanted to join him for dinner I knew he was my “meet you in the middle” guy.

The rest of our first meeting story deserves to be told another time. It involves chanting, noodles, a whole lot of stairs, and a walk on a starlit beach.

The following morning we met for breakfast and traveled to the airport together because our flights home just happened to be at the same time. When we went to check in, get this, he actually said the words “I’ll meet you in the middle”.

When the universe satisfies desires, it does so loud and clear and often with unimagined twists. It’s a privilege to be in a relationship with my partner. I joke with my friends about qualities he has that weren’t “on my list”. In fact my list was not nearly as multifaceted as he is. Thank you Universe!

I hope my story inspires you to follow your dreams.

When I work with my clients, we focus on learning to trust intuition, finding ways to tend desires and knowing when to take chances.

I want that for you!

Trust your intuition. Find ways to tune into the clear voice within. Try going on a Wisdom Walk.

Tend your dreams. Find ways to illuminate and support your dreams. Remember, your desires connect you to the divine. If you’re looking for love, create your own Love Altar.

Take chances. Find the courage to move outside of your comfort zone.

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