Monthly Archives: October 2013

Not a Care in the World

When I was a child I used to lie down in the stream where our family camped fully clothed. I remember the freedom of seizing that cool moment on a hot summer’s day. I also used to climb way up high in the Linden tree that grew at the edge of a deep ravine in […]

Posted in family, life's simple pleasures, practices, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Honouring 90 Years!

How do you honour a woman who has lived for 90 years? That was the puzzle my siblings and I were trying to solve when we met in Iowa a few weeks ago to celebrate our mother’s 90th birthday. My mom had requested a small family gathering so my sister and my brother and I […]

Posted in family, transitions | Comments closed

Rituals of Parting

When I tell people about my family they are often puzzled at how well we stay together even after we separate and divorce. We are collection of ex’s, “presents” and “futures” that still enjoy spending time together. My family agrees that our bond is “bigger” than our breakups and we are willing to do the […]

Posted in ritual, transitions, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Carry Peace

Take a few moments to nurture yourself. Rest your back against a tree. Feel the earth underneath you. Look up and take in the blue sky. Listen to the birds. Find peace and carry it with you.

Posted in action, beauty, practices | Comments closed

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