Monthly Archives: October 2012

Silence the Critic

Today was a gloriously beautiful day. It was one of those unseasonably warm days in the midst of the cool fall weather we’ve been having lately. I spent some time in my back yard with the birds and the squirrels and the Blue Beech tree I planted when I moved into my house 5 years […]

Posted in action, new awareness | Comments closed

Slow Down and Notice

Often a client will choose to include a poem in the ceremony they create especially if they’ve invited friends or family to take part. There’s something about reading a poem aloud that draws a group of people together. Poems call out and invite you to slow down and listen. And we do. The brevity of […]

Posted in ceremony, practices | Comments closed

A Ceremony of ‘Wonderful!’

In September one of my clients actualized a dream. She had been selected to be an artist on an Autumn Studio Tour and she had prepared herself and her space beautifully for the experience. During our session a few weeks later I asked her to recount her experience. She offered a very balanced perspective about […]

Posted in action, ceremony, new awareness, practices | Comments closed

The Sweet Nectar of Change

Last week I gave my son a grocery list, some money and the keys to the car. I have become so busy with my work (writing, creating programs and having sessions with my clients) that I needed to make a change in order to keep the household running smoothly. It took me awhile to give […]

Posted in action, ceremony, life's simple pleasures, practices | Comments closed

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